Sunday, 19 June 2011

Menu in July

Tuesday    26
Saturday   23 , 30
Sunday     17, 24,31
11.00am -  14.00pm

-Cost  $50
-Apron required.
-13min walk from Bondi beach or 1min from 389 Bus stop
-I can accommodate only 4 people.

For booking or any question, please contact

MENU in July
- Steamed Turnip and Snapper (See Photo)
- Grilled Miso Marinade Ocean Trout
- Shungiku-Garland chrysanthemum with Sesame Dressing
- Miso Soup
- Rice
- Pickles


  1. Hello there, I just wanted to say that I love your cooking class concept and the exciting menus that you create. I'm really excited about coming to meet you and learn from you, I'll book a class as soon as I can :)

  2. miss jay, Thank you for your comment. I'm excited to meet you too:)
